a magnetic one
The first thing they’ll notice is your photo
Your passport to a brighter future or a barrier to entry. A good photo’s a pre-requisite… facing the camera, smiling, and presenting a professional, positive and neutral image.
No point in crafting a smart profile with a photo that doesn’t match up.
And be cognizant that your postings, photos and presence on social media don’t jeopardize your success.
Be found, on online networks and social media.
With few exceptions, your LinkedIn profile can be a magnet for hiring managers and recruitment specialists.
With the right persona, messaging, and keywords, you can encourage the jobs market to come to you.
Here are 7 tips to help you elevate your presence
​1. LinkedIn keywords and contents
Incorporate ‘keywords’ which showcase your skills, interests, and career goals.In
A keyword is simply something of great significance.
When employers or recruiters browse peoples profiles on LinkedIn, look for specific qualities i.e. use keywords…
2. Industry skills:
People looking for prospective candidates on LinkedIn may search for company names or industry skills.
Consider 3 levels of definition; manufacturer, car manufacturer or automotive parts manufacturer.
For example, someone looking to hire a design engineer might search for Porsche employees.
But they might also apply keywords to their search of the first-level definition for example, manufacturer.
They may also apply more precise keywords of a second and third-level definition…
For example, automotive manufacturer and automotive parts manufacturer.
In what ways might the above apply to you?
3. Occupational skills:
People looking for prospective candidates on LinkedIn may search for occupational skills.
Consider 3 levels of definition; accountant, chartered accountant or cost management accountant.
They may also apply more precise keywords, other than just accountant
For example, financial accountant, tax accountant, forensic accountant, auditing, cost accounting
In what ways might the above apply to you?
4. Specialist credentials
People looking for prospective candidates may search for specialist skills.
Such as a process, a product, or an initiative/activity.
Six Sigma, Prince, SAP, Salesforce, ISO 6000…
Activity-type examples include change management, project management, mergers & acquisitions, new business sales, employee engagement or elevating customer service.
For recognisable industry or occupational qualifications such as Chartered Accountant, ACCA or MBA.
5. PS you can amplify your presence!
In your employment details…
Elude to value your employer and department or business function brings to the market whilst simultaneously outlining what you do, how you have contributed, and what you can do / can contribute.
Employers want to hire people who get things done.
You may wish to include some headline accomplishments alongside your employment details.
6. In your “About” section
If you are interested in an area but don’t have skills in it, you can still get on the radar.
Here’s how.
In your profile, you could state “have experience (the name of the area you have experience in)
and familiarity with (the name of the area/s you may wish to get into)”
For example, I have experience in the automotive industry and familiarity with supercars.
Similarly, you can say that I have experience in accounting and familiarity with project accounting.
Or you could say you have experience XYZ area and interests in xyz2, xyz3 and xyz4 areas.
NB The recommendation here is to get noticed for things you’re capable of doing.
The suggestion is not intended for you to apply to do things you’re not capable of.
Your best chance is to say enough to solicit interest but not too much to avoid creating a too lengthy profile.
7. Be noticed for the right reasons
Consider raising your profile within your target employer community.
“Like” postings and making “Comments” will give you potential visibility to prospective hiring managers.
Similarly, it will help you develop a familiarity with people who are recruiting and…
Keep you on the radar of those people who may not have been recruiting when you first got in touch… however, things may have changed.
Any comments need to be constructive, relevant and complement vs compromise you.
Think beyond LinkedIn what other networks may help support your job search or get you noticed: Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, Facebook etc